Okay, so here's the thing; we got a new task from our teacher Damian who told us about "freewriting" today, and now we're supposed to freewrite. About anything, really. How do I do that? Somehow it's even more difficult to write about anything, just because you don't have any guidelines. So, what do I write? It should be done by Wednesday, so I better get started soon. Not today though, I'm too busy. Sort of.
Nevertheless, I found todays lecture inspiring and interesting, and I'm really starting to feel that I chose the right programme to study. I loved writing a few years ago, and now I'm actually feeling that my passion for writing is coming back to me. That would be great, wouldn't it? But I can't write when I'm at home. I just can't. That's why I've now decided I will try to spend some more time in the library (where I am now, and look - words are just floating out of my mind), just to get things done. I feel way more creative in this environment, rather than sitting at home writing in the sofa. Naah, that doesn't really work that well. I've also decided I will write more blogposts in English, 'cuz that's a good way to train my creative writing and thinking. I am studying in English, so why not? Although, my Swedish readers are not to worry, I'm sure there will be as much Swedish blogposts here as before.
See, being in the library is good for me, I don't even want to stop writing now?!
See, being in the library is good for me, I don't even want to stop writing now?!
"Freewriting", hur definierade han det? Som att man får skriva om vilket ämne och i vilken genre som helst? Eller på något annat vis?
SvaraRaderaJa typ, men också det att man ska skriva om det första man tänker på, utan o tänka varför man tänker så... vet int hu ja riktit ska föklara de, men de e liksom första delen i processen att lära sig skriva överraskande och fängslande texter - att skriva kreativt! Och att göra 'mindmaps' för att lära sig plocka ut nånting viktit i ett brett ämne. De va hemskt lärorikt o lyssna på han faktiskt!